DM becomes DCM

Dickenson Management was formed in 1992, when Don Dickenson decided Condominium Management would be his next step in his career. The business has grown from one townhouse complex to 47 different Corporations as of October 2019 (and continues to grow).

Jennifer Dickenson joined in 2010 and Heather Dickenson joined in 2018. The trio of Dickensons decided in early 2019 that it was time to focus on how to improve DM before continuing to expand. Dickenson Management chose tbk Creative to assist with this improvement. Together, we completed strategic planning, chose the modified name “Dickenson Condo Management” and a new logo, chose a software programme that would differentiate DCM from its competitors and created a new website.
As we worked through the process to overhaul Dickenson Condo Management, we realized how much potential the company really has and cannot wait to share the changes with you all.